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Every summer a group of volunteers from COURAGE, experienced care workers with Christian backgrounds flies on their own costs to Kenya and, in cooperation with the Dagoretti Children Center, take groups of children to the farm and look after them. The group is accompanied by a priest and by a professional nurse.

A very important aspect of the project is for the children to be encouraged to strive for themselves once back to their homes to escape from their predicaments, being encouraged by this positive experience. The holidays initiate this inner process on the part of the child, while the Dagoretti children centre continues to support the child during the year.

  • to bring sick children into the countryside and spend holidays with them
  • to enable children to experience a better life than their daily misery
  • to get children to know their country and its nature
  • to help children to help themselves to find a way out of their situation
  • to strengthen them with self-confidence